Negative Emissions platform CDR Atlas
The Negative Emissions Platform Carbon Dioxide Removal Atlas is an ongoing research project, to map companies and projects that are active in the field of atmospheric and biogenic carbon removal with permanent storage.
What are Negative emissions techniques
Negative emissions techniques are methods that remove CO₂ from the atmosphere and store it for in a permanent manner. Therefore, all negative emissions solutions consist of two components: a method for capturing atmospheric or biogenic carbon and a means of storing the captured carbon for a climate-relevant period (100+ years).
Negative emissions can be achieved through natural and technological approaches, ranging from biomass, soils and oceans, to storage in deep geological formations. Specific approaches like biochar and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) can be considered a mix of natural and technological approaches. Some approaches use biomass to draw CO₂ from the air; others like direct air capture with carbon storage (DACCS) and enhanced weathering, remove CO₂ directly from the air.
Why We focus on atmospheric and biogenic Carbon Removal
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies are essential. They are required in almost all scenarios where the global temperature increase is to be limited to well below 2°C. Furthermore, enabling the delivery of national and corporate net-zero emissions pledges will require the gross removal of atmospheric CO₂ on top of conventional reductions. Therefore, reaching net-zero and staying in line with the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement will require gigatonne-scale CDR deployment by mid-century. And with scaling-up CDR approaches that can take decades, we need to start now to ensure we have the required capacity in time.
To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the majority of climate models agree we need to permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on the scale of 5-10 gigatons per year by 2050. Even with best-case-scenario emissions reduction, carbon removal will be a critical component of the portfolio of technologies required to get the world to net-zero by 2050.
Permanence or durability refers to the assurance that carbon will remain in a stock for a climate-relevant period of time, usually 100+ years.
Capture Methods
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
BECCS combines energy production from fast-growing biomass with the capture and storage of the resulting CO₂. Since biomass takes up CO₂ from the atmosphere during its growth, the combination of both processes is equivalent to a net removal of CO₂. The potential of BECCS is estimated at 0.5–5 Gt CO₂. The amount depends on the availability of sustainably produced biomass whose cultivation competes with other uses. The estimated cost per tonne of CO₂ extracted and stored, ranges between $100–$200. Current TRL of 3-7 in the power generation industry and 7-9 in the bioenergy industry with large-scale developments are expected to come online in the 2020s/2030s. The global potential of BECCS is estimated to be between 2 to 5 GtCO₂/yr (by 2030) EU: 92 to 276 MtCO₂/yr (2050).
coastal enhanced weathering (CEW)
As olivine is ground down by the Earth’s natural wave energy, it dissolves, sequestering CO₂ into a molecule in the water known as bicarbonate. This locks away CO₂ for thousands of years. Over time this can also turn into limestone trapping carbon at the bottom of the ocean. Accelerating and scaling this process offers a significant solution to climate change by enhancing one of Earth’s oldest processes to sequester carbon. The process is included in a number of terms including ocean alkalinity enhancement or coastal enhanced weathering.
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
DAC plants capture CO₂ directly from ambient air using an engineered, mechanical system. This works by pulling in atmospheric air and extracting the CO₂ through a series of chemical reactions, while returning the rest of the air to the environment. Upscaling production capacities will reduce costs significantly, down to $100–300 by the middle of the century. The current TRL ranges from 3-9, with the Climeworks Orca plant being the first of a kind operational DACS plant. Large-scale developments are expected by the 2030s. The global potential of DACS is estimated to be between +4 GtCO₂/yr (by 2030) EU: up to 264 MtCO₂/yr (2050).
EW occurs when CO₂ is permanently bound from the atmosphere into rock. EW accelerates this process by spreading finely ground silicate rock, such as basalt, onto land. This speeds up the chemical reactions between rocks, water and air; which remove CO₂ from the atmosphere and store it permanently in solid carbonate minerals.
Co-benefits include increasing crop yields through improved soil pH and nutrient addition. The current TRL ranges from 1-5, with most projects in the R&D phase. The global potential of EW is estimated to be between 1 to 4 GtCO₂/yr (by 2050) EU: 77 to 206 MtCO₂/ $50–200 per tonne of CO₂ removed.
Combinations of different capture methods exist. Methods like Ocean CDR and recycled CO₂ from construction material, are grouped into this category. Ocean CDR can include photosynthesis by macroalgae that converts dissolved CO₂ into organic carbon. The macroalgal biomass can be harvested, compressed and sunk to the deep ocean, where the organic carbon is effectively sequestered. Macroalgae can be grown in most ocean areas, and productivity is mostly driven by biological characteristics, nutrient availability, seawater temperature and sunlight.
Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage (PyCCS)
PyCCS enables the capture and sequestration of atmospheric CO₂ through the carbonisation of biomass. The heating of biomass in a low-oxygen environment is called pyrolysis. Pyrolysis converts organic carbon into fixed/elemental carbon.
A large part of the carbon can be captured during pyrolysis in a gas, a liquid and a solid phase. While providing climate-neutral energy using the gas phase (syngas) and the liquid phase (bio-oil), the material use of the solid phase (biochar) allows for carbon capture and storage.
Waste can be harnessed for energy in the form of synthesis gas (syngas) and biochar, which capture and remove carbon without emissions. Waste to energy and CCS therefore present a sustainable alternative to landfill and incineration, where non-recyclable plastics and other biogenic waste would otherwise be burnt or buried. Biogenic carbon removal from WtE in the EU is expected to be between 40-47 MtCO₂/yr by 2050.
Storage methods
Bio-oil geologic injection
When biomass is put through a process called fast pyrolysis, it breaks down into bio-oil. This liquid is rich in carbon but low in energy content; it is then injected into wells, where the bio-oil sinks and solidifies for permanent storage.
Biochar is produced in a process called pyrolysis. This term describes a thermo-chemical conversion of organic compounds, especially biomass, in an oxygen-limited environment at high temperatures.
In addition to being a powerful soil improver, biochar can also act as a carbon sink that can remain stable in soil for thousands of years. Biochar has an extremely high carbon content, 94%, each dry ton of biochar contains 2,5 tonnes of CO₂. The potential of biochar as a CO₂ removal option is about 0.5–2 GtCO₂/yr. The cost per tonne of CO₂ is estimated at $30–120.
Carbon utilisation
Carbon use, or carbon utilisation, refers to the ways that captured CO₂ can be used to create a variety of products and services. For example, when carbon-based products are utilised in the production of products, such as biochar in building materials and asphalt.
The mineral carbonation process uses CO₂ from waste products or from DAC to produce building material. Mineral carbonation offers an attractive route to CO₂ utilisation because (1) solid carbonates, the main products of mineral carbonation reactions, are already used in construction materials markets; (2) the chemistry involved in making carbonates based on calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) is well known; (3) carbonation can consume large amounts of CO₂ by chemically binding it into stable, long-lived mineral carbonates; and (4) the reaction of CO₂ with alkaline solids is thermodynamically favoured, thereby needing little, if any, extrinsic energy.
The current TRL ranges from 6 to 8, especially regarding cement. Near-term commercial deployment opportunities (3 to 10 years).
The global potential is estimated to be between 0.1 to 1.4 GtCO₂/yr (by 2050) EU: 744 MtCO₂/yr (2050).
Deep-sea storage
The use of the deep ocean to store carbon-rich material is another storage possibility. At sufficient depth, CO₂ can be stored in the water column or on the sea bed. For example, biomass from seaweed farming could be sunk to deep oceans where the organic carbon remains isolated from the atmosphere for hundreds of years to thousands of years.
Geologic injection
Geologic injection involves injecting CO₂ into rock formations deep underground, where it remains stored for tens of thousands of years. The natural trapping ability of the earth’s deep subsurface environment is used to store CO₂ that has been injected into that realm. Specific conditions are required within the deep subsurface geological environment to effectively store the injected CO₂. These include a porous and permeable reservoir, an impermeable seal or confining unit overlying the reservoir, and adequate depth to contain the CO₂ as a dense fluid, in what is termed a “supercritical state.”
Mixed storage is a combination of different storage methods. For example, when captured CO₂ is stored underground or transformed into high value carbon-based products, including synthetic fuels, carbon nanotubes and CO₂ enriched concrete.
Sub-surface mineralisation
When CO₂ reacts with certain rocks, solid minerals are created and stored in formations deep underground. In situ mineralisation, or mineral trapping, is a component of underground geologic sequestration, in which a portion of the injected CO₂ interacts with reactive rock formations, such as basalts, to form stable minerals. In addition to accelerating these natural processes, the process captures and permanently removes CO₂, providing a permanent and safe carbon sink.
The interactive CDR Atlas is an ongoing project to gather and showcase projects and companies active in the field of atmospheric and biogenic carbon removal with durable/permanent storage. Our approach to selecting and adding the different companies and projects is explained in more detail in the methodology section. Please note that we used publicly available information and did our best to describe and classify companies and projects accurately. If, however, we made a mistake, or you would like your company to be added to the Atlas, please get in contact with us via